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shadow Basilicata

Basilicata is a region in southern Italy. That cushions the regions of Calabria, Puglia and Campania. The region is also commonly known as Lucania, as it was called in its ancient origins lie in the Paleolithic. It overlooks the Tyrrhenian Sea Maratea and its scenic coastal and mountain landscapes. On the other hand, in the east, his short sandy beaches are lapped by the Ionian Sea. The region is divided into two provinces, from short Tyrrhenian coast towards the center develops the area of ​​power with its rolling mountains of the Dolomites and Lucan Lucan, covered by thick forests. While the beach of Metaponto on the Ionian cross the fertile plain in the province of Matera. A good part of the territory of Lucania is protected and you can taste two national parks, the Pollino and the Val d'Agri, two regional parks (Natural Park of Gallipoli Cognato - Small Dolomites Lucane and Natural Archaeological Park of the Rock Churches of Matera) and seven regional nature reserves. Going by the Tyrrhenian Sea can be reached in a short time, peaks up to 2000 meters with many centers equipped for winter sports. The cities have ancient origins. Matera is exceptional that preserves and integrates in an urban ecosystem, the ways of living of the caves to modern times. The Sassi of Matera express a sublime beauty that has attracted the attention of the world. The Sassi Heritage and the city of Matera with its rich artistic and cultural landscape was often chosen as the setting for many films such as The Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson, The Star Giuseppe Tornatore, Christ Stopped at Eboli, directed by Francesco Rosi, The Gospel According to St. Matthew directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini, and many others. As Matera there are many small centers of interest from the point of view of landscape, archaeological, artistic and cultural heritage. The kitchen Luke brings out the natural flavors of its territory. Further processing of pork sausages are prepared, capocollo, tasty brawn and blood pudding is prepared. Cheese and fresh ricotta. Pasta with mushrooms, green beans. And then drink a soda mixed with local wine. The climate is mainly continental, coastal areas of the Mediterranean type.


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