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shadow Antiquarian Archaeology

Antiquarian Archaeology

Via Luigi Galvani, 2 - Pisa
Tel 050-2215257
Fax 050-2215665

University Museum - visited on request
(tel. Department of Archaeological Sciences ). Admission is free.
Visit by appointment.
Closed Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and the month of August from the railway station bus No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 13 to Lungarno Pacinotti.
L ' Antiquarian Archaeology is a very heterogeneous collection that includes approximately 1500 original pieces, mostly with general indications of origin, which are represented in almost all classes of artifacts of antiquity, especially the ceramic productions, from the Aegean to those of Etruria, Attic vases painted with black-figure and red-figure decoration overpainted with of the Hellenistic period, as well as tableware and kitchen of the Roman era in its various classes. These are supplemented by a large group of architectural terracotta and votive santuariali from areas of the ancient world, along with other small clay objects, and a series of fabricated metal products (eg buckles, affibbiagli of belts, razors bronze ) and glass ( es. balsam, twisted sticks ), in some cases from the grave goods of the Hellenistic and Roman periods, and in some specimens amteriale stone in the round and in relief.
Due to its characteristics, the collection follows in the wake of the museums arisen within the universities with the prevailing educational and experimental purposes, based on the most watched strands of archaeological research, it was formed in the 50s by the work of Silvio Ferri, Professor of classical Archaeology, who was able to tap into the nuclei of different origin, either as a deposit by some of the leading state museums such as the Museum of Villa Giulia in Rome from which valuable buccheri and the series of votive terracottas ( votive statuettes ), and the Archaeological Museum of Taranto, which is due much of the Attic pottery, the clay swing and a core of stone tools of prehistoric age. Other elements come from the sale, resulting dispersion in the various museums, the extensive heritage of collectible tenor Evan Gorga and the donation of private owners. Foremost among these the lawyer Ottolenghi Vallepiana of Florence, who consented to give up their material composition varies widely among which some fakes, University of Pisa, and is a core membership of the same Ferri, and in recent years were joined by private donations more modest.


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