Hotel In and around Inserimento

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Liguria is a small region of northern Italy. To the north is bordered by Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna, to the west by France, east of Tuscany. And 'wet from the Ligurian Sea to the south. The region is mountainous, crossed the Alps and Ligurian Apennines of Liguria. Descend from the mountains overlooking the sea on a beautiful and warm. Alps meet real ski areas like Ski Mondolè that brings together the stations Artesina, Prato Nevoso and Frabosa Soprana, the Parpaiun which includes the plants of San Giacomo di Roburent and Serra Pamparato. And then you can enjoy long walks in many places with natural caves and fascinating landscape, enjoying the flavor of the products of Liguria. Even the Apennines is rich in a lot of places visited by tourists, where you can enjoy the pleasures of the mountain. The long coastline of the region is high, rocky, jagged cliffs with breakneck speed. However, there are small sandy beaches. The nature of Liguria is preserved in so many parks and protected areas. The national park is one of the five lands in the province of La Spezia, which includes a protected marine area of ​​the seabed with exceptional diving enthusiasts. The Cinque Terre, Portofino, the islands of Tino, Tinetto Palmaria, together with the historic center of Genoa are Unesco World Heritage Site. From the east to the west are the shopping destination for many tourists from Lerici, Rapallo, from the Riviera to the Italian Riviera. The region has been inhabited since ancient times, which are found the archaeological remains of the Ligurians, Greeks and Romans. Throughout its history the Liguria has developed its own identity, mainly due to the Republic of Genoa. This land has given us, in past centuries, navigators and explorers of great importance as Christopher Columbus, but also in more recent times personalities who have helped to enhance the culture and dialect, very musical, as Fabbrizio De Andrè. Turning the Liguria you can taste the delicacies of the sea and the mountains. One feature is the pesto, prepared on the basis of basil, which adds a unique flavor with the Ligurian dishes. Wines from the long tradition accompany foods such as Colli di Luni and Sciacchetrà the Cinque Terre, the Bianchetta and Ciliegiolo of Savona, Rossese of Dolceacqua. The Region offers many events of national and international importance as the Italian Song Festival in Sanremo.


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