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shadow Marche

Le Marche is a region of central Italy. It is bordered to the north by the Republic of San Marino and Emilia-Romagna, on the west by Tuscany, Umbria and Lazio to the south with Abruzzo. It overlooks the Adriatic Sea in the east. Salt from the coast, through soft rolling hills, cultivated to the mountains of the central Marche. Coming down from the north, we find many places where you can practice different sports (alpine skiing, cross country skiing, hiking, hang-gliding and mountain climbing). Interesting centers are Pediment, Piobbico, Montecopiolo, Sarnano, Bolognola, Ussita, Castelsantangelo on Black Arquata del Tronto, Ascoli Piceno, Acquacanina and Monti Siblillini. Many areas of the region are protected, preserving flora and fauna very varied and rich. There are two national parks ((Monti Sibillini and Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga) and 4 regional ((Monte Conero, Sasso Simone and Simoncello, Monte San Bartolo and Gola della Rossa and Frasassi). Of two regional parks, the San Bartolo and the Conero meet beautiful towns of the sea where you can enjoy the beaches of fine sand, gravel, rocks and steep cliffs that fall on the water. From the coast of the hills, passing from the coast and rivera Piceno Macerata, the Riviera delle Palme tourists can taste the variety of the Marche coast and its beauty. Marches are also an important artistic and cultural region. There are many cities and medieval villages with architectural features in the Romanesque and Gothic, to get the exceptional Renaissance style that fills the city of Urbino, whose old town is UNESCO heritage of humanity. In the Marche have lived many artists and writers such as Raphael and Leopardi who left works of international importance. The cultivation of the beautiful hills of the Marche offers food and wine very tasty and merging with the seafood dishes give birth to exceptional. Typical dishes include fish soup (a soup of scales), the roasted chicken salad, stuffed olives, the vincigrassi (a type of pasta with tomato sauce), accompanied by very good wines like Verdicchio and Rosso Conero or Bianchello. It 's very popular in regional use of black and white truffles that taste very good, especially the food.


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